Ceramic Materials Synthesis & Processing
(Some equipment accessible through FIU Advanced Materials Engineering Research Institute)
Thermolyne 1700 oC high-temperature box furnace
MTI 1600 oC tube furnace with (oxidizing/inert/reducing) atmosphere control
CamCo. 1550 oC hydrogen furnace
Lindberg 1200 oC tube furnace with atmosphere control
MTI 1100 oC tube furnace with atmosphere control
High temperature (up to 2200 oC) vacuum/inert atmosphere sintering furnace
Chemical fume hood
MPM -100 screen printer
Carver hydrostatic press and die press assembly
Fuel Cell and Related Electrochemical Testing
Applied Testing System (ATS) 1100 oC split tube furnace for fuel cell and electrochemical testing
GAMRY Reference1000 electrochemical working station with potentiostat/galvanostat and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) capability
Solar Cell Testing
(Accessible through Professor Nezih Pala of FIU Electrical & Computer Engineering Department)
Sun simulator and J-V tester
Quantum efficiency tester
(Accessible through FIU Advanced Materials Engineering Research Institute)
350 sq. ft. class 100 clean room and 1200 sq. ft. class 10,000 clean room
JEOL 7000 F SEM with e-beam Nanolithography facility (20 nm feature)
Sputtering systems
Spin coater
Microprobe stations
In situ characterizations
(Accessible through FIU Center for Materials Study under Extreme Conditions)
Powder XRD set-up with high temperature in situ characterization
Raman microspectroscopy set-up with in situ characterization capability
Other Common Materials Characterization Capabilities
(Accessible through FIU Advanced Materials Engineering Research Institute)
Phillips CM-200 200 kV transmission electron microscope (TEM)
JEOL 6330F field emission scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)
JEOL 4550 JEOL multi-beam focus ion beam (FIB)
Vecco atomic force microscope (AFM)
Siemens 500D X-ray diffractometer (XRD) with residual stress measurement and high temperature capabilities.
TA Instruments STD Q600 simultaneous thermogravimetric and scanning colorimetric (TGA/DSC) analyzer